Parish Council


To assist the pastor by providing recommendations regarding:

  • Parish vision for the future
  • Evaluation of pastoral ministries and their effectiveness in meeting parish needs
  •  General directions, priorities, goals and objectives, long and short range plans
  • Communications and understanding within the parish, between parishes, the diocese
    and universal Church

The following are the current members of the Parish Council:

Name Title
Fr. Brian Lynch Pastor/Pastorial Administrator
Chyerl Gores Trustee
Ted Wagner Trustee
Paul Neisen CPA/Parish Accountant
Dick Traen Finance Chairman, President Parish Council
Nancy Traen Records Envelope Contributions
Melanie Mathaler Director Faith Formation
Caroyl Robinson Director of Music
Brian Sabo Website Director
Carol Kiihbauch Sacristain & Secretary
Sandy Karnik Woman's Club
Donna Karnik Woman's Club
Helen Raway Decorating Committee
Dennis Tennison Vitrus Coordinator
Tom Fahey Director of Maintenance, Oversees Cemetery
Mike & Rita Troseth Overall Assistants